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1. Foreword

1.1 OZ is fully committed in doing everything possible to protect the privacy of its users. This privacy policy (the Privacy Policy) sets out how the personal data of users visiting (the Website) is collected and processed.

1.2 We wish to inform you that under the applicable law, included Italian Legislative Decree No. 196/2003 (“Personal Data Protection Law”), data obtained from the Website (the Data) will be collected properly, lawfully and fairly and for specific purposes as set out herein and solely for the purposes for which it was collected.

1.3 Please read this Privacy Policy carefully, as it will be applied whenever you decide to access the Website and contact OZ.

2. Data Controller

2.1 The Data controller is OZ S.p.A. (OZ), with registered office is in Bassano del Grappa (VI), Via Bastion 49/4, Tax Code and VAT No. 00262760242, who independently decides how and for which purposes to process the Data, as well as the security measures to adopt in order to guarantee its confidentiality and availability.

3. Data Processors

3.1 For the purposes set out below, OZ may appoint third parties as Data processors, who will comply with the instructions given by OZ.

An updated list of the data processors can be requested at any time by sending an email to OZ at or by writing to its registered office.

4. Data provision and purposes

4.1 Navigation inside the Website is free without registration, however OZ may acquire your Data if you decide to (i) contact OZ directly using a special form, (ii) send your resumé through the special section in the Website, or (iii) receive the OZ newsletter.

4.2 According to the specific purposes specified from time to time, the provision of Data to OZ can be mandatory or optional, as explicitly indicated. When mandatory, the symbol (*) is placed beside the information being requested.

4.3 Refusal to provide any Data marked as being mandatory will make it impossible for OZ to achieve the purposes for which the Data is being collected. On the contrary, failure to provide Data marked as being optional will not prevent OZ from achieving said purposes.

5. Processing Methods

5.1 The Data may be processed by OZ and the data processors by using both electronic and hard copy supports. OZ guarantees the lawful and proper use of personal data that is provided through the Website, in full compliance with existing laws and with the utmost confidentiality.

5.2 We also inform you that your Data will not be transferred to other countries, other than EU countries, that do guarantee sufficient levels of protection to personal data, nor will it be communicated or transferred to third parties.

6. Rights of data subjects

6.1 Please remember that you are entitled to receive confirmation whether Data about you exists or not, even if it has not been registered yet, and to have said Data communicated in an intelligible way.

6.2 You are also entitled to obtain information from OZ regarding: (i) the origin of your Data; (ii) why and how your Data will be processed; (iii) how the Data will be processed with the aid of electronic devices; (iv) the identifying details of the data controller and data processors; (v) the subjects or categories of subjects to whom the Data may be communicated or who may come into contact with said Data in their function as data managers. All this information is contained in this Privacy Policy.

6.3 You are also entitled to obtain from OZ: (i) the updating, correction, integration of your Data; (ii) the cancellation, transformation into anonymous format or blocking of Data that has been unlawfully processed, including data whose retention is not necessary for the purposes for which it was collected or subsequently processed; (iii) certification that the operations set out in (i) and (ii) above have been notified, as has their content, to all those to whom the Data has been communicated and disseminated, unless this is impossible or involves a manifestly disproportionate effort with respect to the right to be protected.

6.4 You are however entitled to object to, either fully or in part: (i) the processing of your Data for legitimate reasons, even if pertinent to the purpose for its collection; (ii) the processing of your Data for sending advertising material or direct marketing or for market research or sales communications.

6.5 You may freely – and at any time – exercise your rights by sending an email to OZ at or a written request to its registered office address. 6.6 In order to ensure that your Data is always correct, updated, pertinent and complete please notify us of any changes by sending an email to our customer service, or a letter to our registered office address.

7. Links to other websites

7.1 The Website may contain links to other Internet sites that may not be associated with OZ in any way. In fact, OZ neither checks nor monitors these websites and their contents. OZ shall not be held responsible for the contents of these sites and the rules they adopt, including the privacy and use of the user’s personal data when visiting the website.

7.2 This Privacy Policy does not apply to third-party websites. The Website provides links to these websites for the sole purpose of helping user searches and visits and to facilitate hypertext links on the Internet to other websites. The activation of links does not imply any endorsement or suggestions to access and navigate these websites, nor any guarantee of their content, services or goods provided or sold to Internet users.

8. Security measures

8.1 OZ adopts the appropriate security measures in order to minimize any risk of destruction or loss – albeit accidental – of the Data, of unauthorized access or use that is not permitted or does not comply with the purposes of the collection set out in the Privacy Policy.

8.2 However OZ cannot guarantee that the measures adopted for the security of the Website and the transmission of Data and information on the Website limit or rule out any risk of unauthorized access or dissemination of the Data by devices belonging to you.

8.3 The computer, or device used to visit the Website should always have the appropriate software to protect incoming and outgoing data transmission on the Internet and your Internet service provider should have adopted the appropriate security measures for data transmission on the Internet.

9. Changes to the Privacy Policy

9.1 OZ may modify or simply update all or part of its Website Privacy Policy, also in the event privacy laws or regulations are changed. Changes and updates to this Privacy Policy will be notified to users on the Home Page as soon as they are adopted and will be binding as soon as they are published on the Website. Please check this section regularly for the latest, updated Privacy Policy.

10. Governing law

10.1 The Privacy Policy is regulated by Italian law and in particular the Law on the Protection of Personal Data (Legislative Decree No. 196 dated 30 June 2003) regarding the use of personal Data – including Data held abroad – by anyone who resides or is based in Italy.

10.2 Without prejudice to the binding application of a national law in the consumer’s domicile or place of residence.

Company information

Head office Production plant: O.Z. S.p.A 
Via Monte Bianco, 10 
San Martino di Lupari (PD) 

Registered office: 
Via Bastion n. 49/4 – Casella Postale n. 245 – 36061 
Bassano del Grappa (VI) 

I-R.E.A. VI 112214 
V.A.T. N. IT 00262760242 
MECC. VI 021886 R.I. 
C.F. P.I. 00262760242 
Cap. soc. €. 5.146.621 i.v.